How to guides

How to Choose Payments Transaction Gateway For Your Website

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the intricacies of payment integration for websites, detailing the steps and considerations necessary to implement various payment methods effectively. We delved into the importance of security measures and user experience in encouraging successful transactions, and discussed the advanced options available for both hosted and non-hosted payment gateways. The article also highlighted the critical phase of testing before launching payment features to ensure reliability and build trust with customers.

How to set up a payment integration into your website

How to set up a payment integration into your website


In the digital marketplace, payment integration stands as a cornerstone of e-commerce success. It’s the seamless process that connects a merchant’s web server with payment gateways, enabling customers to use various payment methods—from payments through credit cards to bank transfers—on a secure checkout page. A robust payment integration not only simplifies the payment process for online payments but also ensures transaction security, essential for maintaining customer trust.

By choosing the right payment gateway provider, businesses can offer an integrated payment gateway that supports multiple payment methods, reduces transaction fees, and streamlines the payment transaction flow, all while safeguarding payment details and enhancing the overall online store experience.

Understanding Payment Integration

Why you should add payment methods

Payment integration in a website is a crucial component that connects the site’s checkout page to a payment processing network. It allows for the secure exchange of payment details, ensuring that funds are properly transferred from the customer to the merchant’s business bank account. This integration is vital for accepting payments online, including credit card transactions, bank transfers, and mobile payments.

The Role of Payment Integrations

Payment gateways serve as the intermediary that authorizes and processes payment transactions in real-time. They provide a secure portal for customers to submit their payment information, which is then encrypted and sent to the payment processor. The gateway ensures transaction approval, fraud protection, and the secure transfer of data, ultimately determining the transaction status. Whether it’s a hosted payment gateway solution that simplifies compliance with security standards like SSL certificates or a non-hosted gateway that offers more control, integrating a payment method is essential for any online business.

Evaluating Your Web Host’s Payment Gateway Services

Consult with your web host provider

Before integrating a payment method, it’s essential to consult with your web host provider. They may offer integrated gateways or partnerships with payment gateway providers, which can simplify the setup process and potentially reduce costs.

Compatibility and Security Checklist

  • Compatibility with Your Website: Ensure the payment method aligns with your site’s technology and supports your desired payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payments.

  • Security Standards: Verify that the gateway offers SSL certificates and adheres to PCI DSS standards to protect credit card details and transaction details.

  • Transaction Fees: Review any setup fees, monthly fees, and processing charges to avoid hidden costs.

  • Recurring Payments: If your business model requires it, check for support for recurring payments.

  • Fraud Protection: Confirm the level of protection from fraud that is offered, which is crucial for a secure site and safeguarding payment information.

  • Payment Processing: Understand how the payment gateway sends, processes, and captures transactions, ensuring smooth payment request handling.

Selecting a payment integration that works well with your web host can lead to a more secure and efficient payment system, crucial for any online business.

Selecting the Right Payment Integration

Select the payment integration that will work best with your business

Key Considerations for Gateway Selection

Choosing the right payment gateway is critical for your e-commerce platform. Consider the following factors:

  • Security: Ensure the gateway complies with the latest security protocols, like SSL certificates, to protect customer data.

  • User Experience: Look for a gateway that provides a smooth and straightforward payment process.

  • Fees: Understand all costs involved, including processing charges, monthly fees, and any undisclosed charges.

  • Payment Methods: The gateway should support a variety of payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and electronic payments.

  • Integration: Assess how easily the payment gateway integrates with your existing website and business account.

  • Customer Support: Reliable customer service is essential for addressing payment issues swiftly.

Comparing Popular Payment Gateway Providers

  • Stripe: Known for its powerful API and ease of integration, Stripe supports a wide range of payment methods and is favorable for its transparent pricing structure.

  • PayPal: With PayPal Express Checkout, customers can pay with just a few clicks, leveraging a brand known for security and convenience. PayPal also offers extensive global reach.

  • Authorize.Net: A veteran in the payment gateway space, Authorize.Net is recognized for its robust security features and comprehensive payment services, suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Each of these gateways offers unique benefits, such as Stripe’s seamless integration with mobile payments, PayPal’s widespread customer base, and Authorize.Net’s advanced protection from fraud. When integrating a payment method, ensure it aligns with your business needs, supports your payment transaction system, and provides the billing and payment options your customers expect. The right payment solution will enhance your online payments system, contribute to a secure payment portal, and support the overall growth of your ecommerce business.

Analyzing Costs: Setup, Transaction, and Other Fees

Understand the transaction fee and monthly fee

Breaking Down Payment Gateway Costs

When integrating a payment method into your ecommerce platform, you’ll encounter various fees:

  • Setup Fees: Some platforms charge an initial fee to create your merchant account and integrate a payment gateway with your website.

  • Transaction Fees: Each payment processed typically incurs a fee, which can be a percentage of the transaction amount plus a fixed fee.

  • Monthly Fees: Gateways may charge a monthly service fee for access to their payment processing system.

  • Additional Costs: Look out for fees for chargebacks, international payments, and additional payment methods.

Minimizing Payment Gateway Fees

  • Compare Providers: Evaluate multiple payment gateways to find competitive processing charges and the absence of unnecessary charges.

  • Negotiate Rates: Depending on your business volume, you may be able to negotiate lower processing charges.

  • Understand Your Needs: Select a payment solution that aligns with your transaction volume and type to avoid paying for unneeded services.

  • Watch for Hidden Fees: Read the fine print to ensure you’re aware of all potential costs, such as fees for SSL certificates or transactions processed by different credit card companies.

Choosing the most cost-effective payment gateway requires careful consideration of how each fee will impact your overall business expenses. By understanding the fee structure and selecting a payment portal that aligns with your business model, you can integrate a payment gateway that supports your financial goals.

How to Integrate Payment Gateway in Website

Setting up the payment integration

Integrating Payment Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Choose a Payment Gateway: Select a payment integration that supports various payment methods and works with your ecommerce platform. Consider gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Authorize.Net for their wide acceptance and robust payment processing capabilities.

  2. Set Up a Merchant Account: Work with your chosen payment integration provider to set up a merchant account, which will allow you to accept credit card payments and other forms of payment.

  3. Integrate the Payment Gateway: Use the provided API or integration tools from the payment gateway to add the payment mathods to your website. This may involve adding a payment form to your checkout page that securely captures customer billing information.

  4. Add Payment Options: Configure your payment portal to accept different payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal payments, bank transfers, and mobile payment solutions like Apple Pay.

  5. Ensure Security Compliance: Implement SSL certificates to secure the process of payment and protect sensitive payment information.

  6. Test the Integration: Before going live, thoroughly test the payment gateway integration to ensure that transactions are processed smoothly and the payment gateway takes and sends payment details accurately.

  7. Go Live: After successful testing, launch the payment solution on your live website, allowing customers to make payments.

Benefits of Multiple Payment Options

  • Increased Conversion: Offering a variety of payment methods caters to customer preferences, potentially reducing cart abandonment.

  • Customer Trust: A secure, integrated payment gateway that offers familiar payment options can increase customer trust in your platform.

  • Global Reach: Including payment gateways that support international payments can expand your customer base globally.

  • Flexibility: Multiple payment options provide flexibility for customers, whether they prefer traditional payments through credit cards or modern electronic payments.

How to Integrate a Payment Gateway in HTML, Java, and WordPress Websites

HTML Integration (on the example of PayPal):

  1. Create a PayPal Business Account: Start by registering for a PayPal business account.

  2. Access PayPal Buttons: Log into your account, navigate to the tools section, and select the ‘PayPal Buttons’ icon.

  3. Configure and Create Buttons: Choose and configure your button’s appearance and service specifications, then click on ‘create new buttons’.

  4. Embed HTML Code: Copy the provided HTML code snippet and paste it into your website’s HTML where you want the button to appear.

  5. Test Your Button: Ensure functionality by testing the button. Consult PayPal’s help center if you encounter issues.

Java Integration:

  1. Meet Prerequisites: Confirm you have API keys and your website runs on Java 1.7 or later.

  2. Install SDK: Add the Maven repository to your project object model (POM), include the Maven dependency, and execute the MVN install command. Codes for these steps are available on the official JavaScript website.

  3. Implement SDK Code: Integrate the SDK code by setting up the required parameters such as the API key, website, and environment to connect with the payment gateway’s APIs.

WordPress Integration:

  1. Choose a Payment Gateway Plugin: Select a suitable plugin that supports your desired payment gateway.

  2. Install and Activate Plugin: Install the plugin from the WordPress dashboard and activate it.

  3. Configure Settings: Navigate to the plugin settings to configure the payment gateway options, such as API keys and payment methods.

  4. Add Payment Features: Use the plugin’s shortcodes or widgets to add payment features to your pages or posts.

  5. Test Transactions: Perform test transactions to ensure the payment gateway is functioning correctly on your WordPress site.

By following these steps and integrating a range of payment methods, you can enhance the customer experience, streamline the process of payment, and potentially increase your business revenue.

Creating a Merchant Account

Creating a Merchant Account

Understanding Merchant Accounts

A merchant account is a specialized bank account that enables businesses to accept credit and debit card transactions. It acts as an intermediary between your payment method and your business account, ensuring funds are securely transferred after a payment is processed.

Setting Up a Merchant Account

  1. Select a Payment Processor: Choose a payment processor that offers merchant account services and is compatible with your chosen payment gateway.

  2. Apply for an Account: Submit an application to the payment processor, providing necessary business details and financial information.

  3. Link to Payment Gateway: Once approved, link your merchant account to your payment gateway. This connection is crucial for the payment gateway to send transaction details and for the acquiring bank to capture transactions.

  4. Compliance and Security: Ensure your website complies with payment industry security standards, often validated by an SSL certificate.

  5. Test and Go Live: Conduct thorough testing to confirm that the payment gateway determines the correct billing address, transaction approval, and that the payment processor sends funds to your merchant account efficiently.

By setting up a merchant account, you enable your ecommerce system to accept payments and manage transactions seamlessly, providing a smooth payment integration for your customers.

Scrile’s Role in Payment Integration

Scrile's payment integration solutions

Scrile is an established full-cycle IT partner, bringing over two decades of software development expertise to the table. With a focus on crafting user-friendly experiences and a comprehensive suite of services, Scrile is adept at delivering integrated solutions that cater to the intricate needs of modern businesses.

Enhancing Payment Integration with Scrile

Scrile’s proficiency in software development extends to the realm of payment integration, where we excel in:

  1. Streamlining Payment Processes: Scrile’s development team integrates payment gateways into websites, ensuring a seamless transaction flow from the payment form to the payment processor and acquiring bank.

  2. Diverse Payment Methods: Recognizing the importance of offering a variety of payment methods, Scrile facilitates the addition of multiple options, from payments through credit cards to electronic and mobile payments.

  3. Secure Payment Portals: Security is paramount in payment transactions. Scrile ensures that every online payment gateway is fortified with SSL certificates and adheres to the highest standards of transaction security.

  4. Custom Payment Solutions: Whether it’s a hosted payment gateway or a non-hosted payment gateway, Scrile provides tailored payment solutions that align with the unique billing and business needs of their clients.

  5. Minimizing Costs: Scrile’s payment integration services aim to reduce processing charges and monthly fees, offering businesses a cost-effective payment solution without undisclosed charges.

  6. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Beyond integration, Scrile offers continuous support to handle updates, ensuring that payment gateways remain efficient and up-to-date with the latest payment technologies and regulations.

At Scrile, we specialize in integrating diverse billing systems like Stripe, CCBILL, and NetBilling, along with cryptocurrency options and region-specific solutions, to offer secure and tailored payment infrastructures that align with your business model and enhance user experience.

By leveraging Scrile’s extensive experience in software development, businesses can ensure that their payment integration is not only strong and secure but also optimized for the best customer experience and operational efficiency.

Best Practices for Payment Integration

Focus on the user

Security Measures

Ensuring the protection of payment information is paramount. Utilize SSL certificates for secure data transmission and employ robust encryption methods to safeguard credit card and billing details. Payment gateways should comply with PCI DSS standards to prevent data breaches and maintain customer trust.

User Experience Considerations

To facilitate successful transactions, integrate payment gateways that offer a seamless checkout process. Minimize the number of steps required to pay, clearly display processing charges, if any, and ensure the payment portal is intuitive. Regularly update the system to include new payment methods and keep the expiration date checks in place to reduce payment declines. Provide clear confirmation once the transaction is processed and offer support for any payment issues to enhance customer service.

By focusing on these aspects, businesses can create a payment integration system that is both secure and user-friendly, encouraging repeat business and customer loyalty.

Advanced Payment Integration Options

Advanced Payment Integration Options

Hosted vs. Non-Hosted Payment Gateways

Hosted payment gateways direct customers to the payment service provider’s platform to complete transactions. It can offer enhanced security and reduce the compliance burden. Non-hosted gateways allow customers to pay directly on the business’s website, providing a seamless user experience and greater control over the payment process.

Custom Payment Gateway Implications

Creating a custom payment gateway offers businesses the ability to tailor the payment experience to specific needs. Also integrate unique payment methods, and maintain complete control over the transaction process. However, this option requires significant investment in security, compliance with payment card industry standards, and ongoing maintenance to ensure the integrity of the payment system.

By carefully considering these advanced payment integration options, businesses can optimize their ecommerce platform to better serve their customers and meet their unique payment processing needs.

Testing and Going Live with Your Payment Integration

Testing and Going Live with Your Payment Integration

Before launching, it’s crucial to conduct comprehensive testing of your payment integration. This ensures that every payment method functions correctly and that the payment method communicates effectively with both the website and the payment processors. Testing should simulate real transactions, verify the security of customer data, and confirm the responsiveness of the payment portal.

Steps to Go Live:

  1. Final Review: Double-check integration with all payment service providers and ensure the payment gateway is correctly configured.

  2. Security Checks: Confirm that encryption and data protection measures, like SSL certificates, are active.

  3. Transaction Testing: Run multiple payment scenarios, including refunds and failed transactions, to ensure the system handles all possibilities.

  4. Monitor Performance: As you go live, closely monitor the system for any issues and have a support team ready to address any problems.

  5. Customer Feedback: Encourage customer feedback on the payment process and be prepared to make adjustments for improved user experience.

  6. Ongoing Reliability: Implement regular updates and maintenance checks to ensure the payment system remains reliable and secure over time.

By meticulously testing and following these steps, businesses can confidently integrate and launch a payment system. It will be secure, customer-friendly, and reliable for all ecommerce activities.


A well-chosen payment system is a cornerstone of ecommerce success

This article has navigated the complexities of payment integration, emphasizing the necessity to integrate a payment gateway that aligns with your business model and customer needs. We’ve discussed the importance of adding diverse payment methods, creating your own payment portal, and the implications of transaction fees.

The right payment integration strategy enhances customer trust, streamlines billing, and supports business growth. It’s clear that a well-chosen payment system is not just a service but a cornerstone of ecommerce success. It ensures secure, efficient transactions for every credit card company and platform involved. As the digital economy evolves, so too must our approach to integrating these essential payment systems.


How do you integrate a payment system on a website?

To integrate a payment system, you typically select a payment gateway provider. Then you set up a merchant account if necessary, and use the provider’s API or integration tools to embed the payment functionalities into your website. This allows you to accept payments securely.

How do I add billing to my website?

Adding billing to your website involves integrating a payment gateway that can handle invoicing and payment collection. You’ll need to choose a gateway that supports billing features, then follow their integration guide to add it to your site.

How do you implement card payments on a website?

To implement payments through cards, you must integrate a payment gateway that processes credit and debit card transactions. This involves embedding a payment form on your site where customers can enter their card details. They are then securely transmitted to the payment gateway for processing.

How do I integrate a Visa payment to my website?

Integrating Visa payments requires using a payment gateway that accepts Visa card transactions. After setting up an account with the gateway, you’ll integrate their payment API into your website. This will enable customers to use Visa for purchases.

What is the payment API of Visa?

Visa offers various APIs for payments, such as Visa Checkout and Visa Direct. These APIs allow merchants to accept Visa payments and facilitate direct transfers. You’ll need to access Visa’s Developer Program to use these APIs.

How does a payment gateway work on a website?

A payment gateway on a website encrypts and securely transmits transaction data from the website to the payment processor. Once the transaction is processed and approved, the gateway communicates the outcome back to the website. It handles the transfer of funds from the customer’s account to the merchant’s account, minus any applicable monthly fees.

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