
The Best Mastermind Group Platforms 2024

Mastermind groups help people all over the world to develop their personal brands and businesses. It might be hard to choose an ideal platform. Here we have prepared an overview of several platforms. 

The Best Mastermind Group Platforms

Mastermind Group

Common goals, support, and some more kinds of personal interaction build the best basis for successful business development. Coworking spaces, mentors who offer their help and support, and mastermind group activities that help people to see their work from a different perspective. 

The concept of mastermind groups was created long ago in 1925. Napoleon Hill presented it in his book The Law of Success. Mastermind groups imply peer-to-peer mentoring that is supposed to help members of this group to find the best solution to a problem they have or to look at it from another angle. Later in his book Think and Grow Rich the author gives a detailed explanation of what is a mastermind group and presents 2 types of organization. It can be a community that focuses on the success of an individual member of a group, or a community that works on the progress of each person.

These days there are numerous online mastermind communities that unite not only local experts but also people all over the world. With the rise in popularity of mastermind groups and membership communities, the market has become full of various online platforms and membership websites. They help to build high-quality communication between members of your online community.

Among them, you can see such popular membership software as Scrile Meet, Mighty Networks, Slack, etc. Later we’ll come back to them to have a closer look and highlight all the advantages and possible disadvantages.

Important Features of a Mastermind Platform

If you are a member of an online mastermind group that is in search of a perfect online platform to improve your joint efforts, then you are on the right page. Because before making a final decision you should be sure that the software has the exact functionality that your group requires. 

Here we have prepared the best tips for you to understand the components of a perfect online membership platform.

Time Management and Calendar Features

Time Management

Tools that allow a leader of your online membership group to pay less attention to the management of your meetings and events are very important. So imagine that someone has to spend time informing members in direct messages each time they have a common online event or meeting. That’s an awful amount of time that could be invested in some other valuable activities. Calendar integration into the platform is a perfect solution. And if it has an option of notification about scheduled ​​virtual events it is the best one.

Access to Online Video Calls

Think of a lockdown period of time, hardly can you imagine it without video meetings. Not only with your relatives and friends but also your business partners and colleagues. Live video meetings make remote work possible, voice calls are okay. But when you can see the involvement of people who work with you on the same issue, you feel support, inspiration, and unity. 

Of course for online mastermind group meetings you can use third-party software. However, consider the convenience of an online platform that has all the features for a perfect membership website.

Direct Messaging

Direct Messaging

Keep all texts in one place. It is very important to build different spheres of your life separately and not to let them merge. Use a regular messenger for your personal life, corporate email for your business’s purposes, and direct messaging inbuilt in your online mastermind platform for communication with your peers. 

This simple trick would help you to see a clear line between spheres of your life and manage them.

Inbuilt Payment Options

Management of mastermind groups can be not only inspiring but also a source of income. Even the best platform couldn’t work well without a person who would be responsible for its administration. Also, it would be honest to pay a fair price for membership in such a group that is full of experts that are passionate about their work and are willing to share their knowledge and experience. 

For such cases, there are platforms that have an inbuilt charging feature. Each of them might have different terms for usage so when choosing one read the description carefully. 

Space to Share Content and Online Courses

Mastermind groups aren’t only about sharing business ideas via direct communication. Members of a community can upload various content on the platform or share access to special online courses. All the content shared on your platform would be exclusive and available only for members, who have paid a fair price for the best content.

Create Mastermind Groups and Other Membership Programs on Your Own

Membership Programs

In case you don’t see yourself as a member of a mastermind group, or a membership website, but want to build the best space for people to unite and exchange their knowledge. You can do so with the help of the best software. There are some software options that allow creating a friendly environment for people who are in search of peers, experts, online courses, etc. To make some money on mastermind groups, it is not necessary to be a member of a mastermind group to manage such a community.

Recommendations to Choose Best Platform

All the above-mentioned features might help a lot in building your own membership website. The final design and components are up to you and your mastermind group members.  With a proper platform, you can create an ideal website that people would use and be ready to pay for all the benefits that they get with it. 

Our team studied the market of mastermind groups and membership platforms, that is why we prepared a list of platforms that are the best for this kind of community.

Scrile Meet

Scrile Meet

Are you looking for software that has simple usage for both community administrators and users? Then you definitely have to pay attention to Scrile Meet

If you are responsible for managing the mastermind community, with Scrile Meet there is no need for you to know even a line of code. The software is designed for those who have an idea in mind and just look for both simple and best implementation. You create your own platform with the help of the intuitive product. This solution helps to demonstrate your brand the way you see it. 

Scrile Meet has all the features that we have mentioned in the first half of the article. 

For example, appointment booking is equivalent to a calendar within the website. Members can choose available slots for their live video meetings. Each member of the platform has access to the schedule and can plan their calls in terms of available time slots. 

Need various options for calls, no problem with Scrile Meet members can choose private calls or group calls where anyone can be a host. 

The software has an integrated payment gateway so if a member decides to give private consultations and share expert opinions, he or she can do it within the platform. For instance, there is a paid Q&A consultation feature. 

If you want to try the platform, check the Startup plan. You can choose to place your mastermind community within the best Scrile Meet public network or create a simple website with basic features, it would cost you $10 per month plus 14 days of trial mode for free. 

With Startup plan you get:

  • Domain designed especially for your brand;
  • Testing billing account;
  • Admin access to the software settings;
  • Access to website layout editing;
  • 5 GB network traffic

If you are ready to invest some money in the development of a perfect platform then contact the Scrile Meet management department to get a high-quality consultation about the Enterprise plan. 

Briefly, the Enterprise plan gives you all features of the Startup plan, but in addition, there are:

  • 1000 GB network traffic; 
  • No fees or commissions;
  • Source code customization option;
  • First-line support 24/7;
  • Extendable cloud storage;
  • Various hosting solutions;
  • Independent website policy (you are the only one who creates rules for your mastermind group).
Everyone can deal with Scrile Meet
No need to be an expert in code
Various options for virtual conference
Only 2 plans for Scrile Meet membership (Startup and Enterprise)
Multiple tools for appointment booking and live consultations 
Safe environment for an online community
No need to download extra files or special mobile apps
Compatible with online courses 



You have a chance to meet with members of your mastermind group offline and there is no need for you to have a platform with online video calls. Slack might be the best choice for mastermind communication. 

With Slack, you get the best corporate messenger that would perfectly help you to build connections between network members between meetings. This solution enables group chats, private messaging, exchange information about the best third-party online courses access, and various files. 

The platform offers 4 different plans for customers:

  • Free plan which costs $0
  • Pro plan for $6.67 per month
  • Business+ plan for $12.50 per month
  • Enterprise Grid
Advantages Disadvantages
Various types of messaging channels: threads, comments, channels, direct messaging. No inbuilt calendar, your mastermind group members would have to find another online app to synchronize meetings and create schedules for each network member.
Basic calls, including voice and video calls, but it is included only in paid plans. Too brief personal profiles, as Slack assumes that users already know each other pretty well.
The best mobile app that is compatible with various operating systems. (Android, iOS, etc.) No brand uniqueness, Slack offers only the platform but gives no access to software customization.

No access to share online courses within the platform.

Slack is a popular platform among various business companies. Though it might work well for mastermind membership peer communication between meetings, it isn’t the best choice for groups that unite members from different cities and countries. 

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks is another common platform that is used by various membership communities, online course creators, and mastermind groups. As originally platform wasn’t created for mastermind groups full-time online operation, it has some weak sides in comparison to some other platforms. 

Though it would work perfectly fine if your group is a confluence of a membership website and a unity of people who try their best to develop themselves. 

Mighty Networks plans:

  • The Community Plan ($28 per month plus 14 days free trial)
  • The Business Plan ($98 per month plus 14 days free trial)
  • Mighty Pro (The price is set after a call with managers and demo)
Inbuilt charging service. If you want to make money with your mastermind group, you can set a price for entrance.No inbuilt calendar, your mastermind group members would have to find another online app to synchronize meetings and create schedules for each network member.
Members of your mastermind groups can change the content presented in their group space. They can create topics, posts, chats, and even activities.The cheapest plan (The Community Plan) doesn’t include all features that are necessary for an online mastermind group. To locate on Mighty networks you would pay at least $98 per month, which is way more expensive than any other platform.
Extra features. As we wrote above Mighty networks is originally a platform created for membership communities and online course creators, so there are some features for building online courses and online events united under the same brand.Many users of websites based on Mighty Network software complain about difficulties they have faced trying to get used to and navigate through the platform.

Mighty Networks is famous for online courses created on its basis, but if you have just a mastermind group that constantly keeps in touch and regularly has online video calls, it is probably not the best solution for you. Though the choice of features looks impressive.

Facebook Groups


Are there many people you know without a Facebook account? We think that the answer is no. Consequently, that is why Facebook Groups is the most common choice to start your first mastermind group. 

Being a popular social network, Facebook offers a free space for community members to share their ideas, opinions, and goals. 

Common social network, as the majority of modern people have a Facebook account, they easily would get membership in various groups.Tones of other content that distract users, while the aim of mastermind groups and membership communities is to focus on the development of your business.
Simple interface that allows making public announcements, organizing events online, and sharing different types of files.Facebook is a well-known brand that doesn’t allow complete customization. The only thing that can be used to identify your brand is the logo as a photo of the mastermind group.
There is no charging option. So, for instance, if an expert wants to make money with their online course, it would be impossible.

The reason why many mastermind groups change Facebook Groups after some time of usage is that for group members it is hard to be honest and open. It doesn’t matter if a group network is public or private. For the same reason, experts with membership in Facebook Groups aren’t willing to share the best online courses there.

Facebook groups are supposed to be a simple solution, but when you create a mastermind group for business hardly can it be considered the best choice. In this case, it is important for users to be sure that they share valuable experiences only with peers who share the value and respect confidentiality.



Tribe is known as software that builds awareness among big business companies for building their membership sites, online course platforms, and members’ engagement. If you choose to build your mastermind group on the basis of this platform there is a “Spaces” feature that would suit you well. 

On the official Tribe website, we have found information about 4 pricing plans available:

  • Free Basic plan; 
  • Plus for $49 per month;
  • Premium for $199 per month;
  • Enterprise (no public information).
Excessive choice of customization tools to create your website to respond to your brand needs. You get access to choose a pre-built layout, header and fix colors for your custom website. Make your business website look good.There is no mobile app that would simplify access to the software from a mobile device
A good tool for online exchange of content. Share content with members of your mastermind group. Get comments and exchange your opinion.No texting feature. If members of your community decide to chat between meetings, they would have to use third-party messengers. As the platform doesn’t offer any private or one-to-one communication.
Improve your membership website arranging content into special topics.No charging option. Administrators of mastermind communities do a hard job for the successful existence of their community. So they deserve to be paid for their work. People who are interested in their development and success would be ready to pay for being a member of such a mastermind community or for access to online courses.

Even though Tribe is supposed to be the best platform for huge business companies. But for mastermind groups that are mostly into communication or online course exchange, the software might be too pricey and lack needed features.


What is the Best Software for Mastermind Groups?

Slack is widely regarded as the best software for mastermind groups. While other platforms like GroupMe or WhatsApp are used for direct messaging, Slack stands out for its ability to facilitate ongoing communication between members outside of scheduled meetings and events. Its user-friendly interface and range of features make it an ideal choice for keeping mastermind group members connected and engaged.

How Do I Join a Mastermind Group?

To join a mastermind group, you can start by talking to your network. Reach out to contacts in local schools, religious groups, trade groups, and professional associations. These organizations often host mastermind groups or may know of ones that do. Even if you’re unsure whether someone can assist, it’s worth letting them know you’re interested in joining a mastermind group. Networking and expressing your interest can often lead to discovering opportunities that aren’t widely advertised.

Are Mastermind Groups Worth It?

Mastermind groups can be incredibly valuable. They provide a platform where members can share their experiences, offering insights into what strategies are effective, what isn’t working, and why. This exchange of knowledge allows you to make more informed decisions for your company. Being part of a mastermind group can give you a competitive edge, as you leverage collective wisdom to stay ahead in your industry.

Final Thoughts

To conclude our review it would be logical to highlight the best software for mastermind groups. Taking into account all pros and cons of various platforms we think that Scrile Meet would suit everyone who wants to create their own mastermind group platform. No matter if your mastermind group unites people from different countries or needs video calls and exchanges access to different online courses, you can be sure to get all the needed features with Scrile Meet.

If you need more information, then don’t waste your time, and contact Scrile Meet managers and discuss in detail all aspects that you are interested in.

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